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"... Aquellos seres poderosos, los dignos, monarcas, heraldos, caudillos, soberanos, tiranos, hombres en fin, que como una terrenal galaxia sometían la vida de Rosaura condenadola , humilladola, traicionadola, engañadola, negadola, abandonadola, castigadola, sepultadola, ultrajadola, expulsadola, dañadola y deshonradola... desde su nacimiento, se aparecían entre las costuras de sus sábanas justo antes de dormir. Su padre al que nunca había conocido se aparecía sin cara. Su padre que no había estado en su nacimiento..." 







" ... Those powerful beings, worthy kings, heralds, warlords, masters, tyrants: in short, men, that like a galaxy ruled the earthly life of Rosaura, sentencing her, humiliating her, betraying her, tricking her, neglecting her, abandoning her, punishing her, burying her, demeaning her, banishing her, hurting her, dishonouring her… from her birth...they appeared between the seams of her sheets just before sleep . His father who she had never known appeared faceless. Her father that had not been present at her birth"

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